In 1990, Lee Stilwell & Marty Chin created the Klamath Jackpot Steer & Heifer show. They wanted to share their passion for sound quality cattle with the younger generation. For 26 years, the Stilwells have organized, sponsored, and maintained the show. While, in their spare time they show their own cattle and help "show" kids with their own projects. They wanted to create a family environment that support kids and their projects.....and what a success it has become!
In 2016, Jolene Moxon officially took over the position. Jolene comes from a dairy and cattle background and is the cattle manager for the Klamath Bull & Horse Sale. She is dedicated to continuing the Stilwell's commitment to the next generation of cattle kids! |
General Information
All breeds, steer and heifer show.
Peewee, Junior, Intermediate, & Senior showmanship. Entries Due: June 3rd, 2022
Located in the Klamath Basin.
Always Father's Day weekend. 2022 Show: Sunday, June 19th. Start Time: 7:30 am |
Breed ShowsOn the Friday & Saturday, there are is a Limousin breed shows.